Triple eclipses in a Month - One Visible and Two Not Visible in India - Partial Solar Eclipse 2nd June 2011

On 2nd June, 2011 Partial Solar Eclipse will occur. This Eclipse is visible from the region covering eastern Asia (except southern Japan), Norway, North Korea, Faeroe Islands, Svalbard, northern Alaska, northern Canada, the northern tip of Scandinavia, Greenland and Iceland. This Eclipse is not visible from India.

Timings of Eclipse in Indian standard Time & Date:
The Eclipse Begins at 00.55 a.m. on 2nd June, 2011 and the Eclipse ends at 4.37 a.m. The Greatest Phase (when the eclipse is maximum at 60%) occurs at 2.46 a.m. Nearly 60% of Sun disk will be obscured by Moon.

Total Lunar Eclipse on 15th June, 2011:
The first Lunar Eclipse of the Year 2011 will occur on 15th June, 2011 which is visible from India. This eclipse in various phases begins at 10.53 p.m. and Ends at 4.32 a.m. on 16th June, 2011. The noticeable Umbra phase begins at 11.53 p.m. and Ends at 3.32 a.m.

Whereas Moons Entire Disk is completely covered under earth’s shadow (or enters totality) at 00.52 a.m. and leaves totality at 2.33 a.m.

The next and last Lunar Eclipse of the year will occur on 10th December 2011. Even this is also visible in India.

Partial Solar Eclipse on 1st July 2011: This eclipse is visible from the region covering Southern Ocean between Antarctica and southern Africa. This Eclipse is not visible from India. The Partial Solar Eclipse on 25th November is last solar eclipse of the Year. Which is again is not visible from India.

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